PRP Treatment for Men | Cape Coral, FL Medical Spa

Skin Secrets Cape Coral, FL

Platelet Rich Plasma also known as Vampire Red Carpet Treatment is an innovative facial which results in the complete rejuvenation of the skin tissue.

Using a small volume of the patient’s own, platelet-rich blood, it is re-injected into the face where it gradually releases many growth factors. PRP not only boosts the production of collagen, fibroblasts and blood vessels, it is also a fantastic choice for deep tissue repair.

Vampire Red Carpet Treatment Three-step Process



PRP Therapy treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and crepey skin and minimize the appearance of sagging skin around the eyes or face.

The results may be different for each person and each treatment area.

Skin Secrets suggests that for the best results, you should have three sessions three months apart. We recommend a treatment every six months after this first course.

Cape Coral, FL’s Premier Medical Spa, and Anti-Aging Clinic

When you’re searching for a premier, upscale MedSpa experience, look no further than Skin Secrets in Cape Coral Florida. Our experienced team – led by Dr. Greta McLaren – specializes in minimally invasive, non-surgical procedures and treatments customized to your personal needs and goals.

For over 30 years, Dr. McLaren has undergone extensive training in both cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. She is a laser Surgeon and aesthetic medicine specialist who is considered an expert and has been invited to teach her aesthetic skills nationally to other physicians throughout the United States. She is a member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and American Society for Photodynamic Therapy.

Message Skin Secrets today or call us at 239-800-SKIN(7546) to schedule your complimentary consultation.


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